IxDF Distinctions
Productive Colleagues
- Olav W. Bertelsen
- Patrizia Marti
- Erik Gronvall
- 19
- 21
- 24
Rizzo, Antonio, Rubegni, Elisa, Gronvall, Erik, Caporali, Maurizio, Alessandrini, Andrea (2009): The net in the Park. In Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 22 (1) pp. 51-59.
Decortis, Francoise, Rizzo, Antonio, Saudelli, Berthe (2003): Mediating effects of active and distributed instruments on narrative activities. In Interacting with Computers, 15 (6) pp. 801-830.
Fusai, C., Saudelli, Berthe, Marti, Patrizia, Decortis, Francoise, Rizzo, Antonio (2003): Media composition and narrative performance at school. In J. Comp. Assisted Learning, 19 (2) pp. 177-185. https://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.0266-4909.2003.00018.x
Decortis, Francoise, Rizzo, Antonio (2002): New Active Tools for Supporting Narrative Structures. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6 (5) pp. 416-429. https://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=1617-4917&volume=6&issue=5&spage=416
Rizzo, Antonio, Parlangeli, O., Marchigiani, E., Bagnara, Sebastiano (1996): The Management of Human Errors in User-Centered Design. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 28 (3) pp. 114-119. https://www.acm.org/sigchi/bulletin/1996.3/rizzo.html
Rizzo, Antonio, Bagnara, Sebastiano, Visciola, Michele (1987): Human Error Detection Processes. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 27 (5) pp. 555-570.
Bagnara, Sebastiano, Rizzo, Antonio, Stablum, Franca, Visciola, Michele (1987): "Generics" in Human Decision Making. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 87 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 1-4, 1987, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 361-365.
Rizzo, Antonio (2006): The origin and design of intentional affordances. In: Proceedings of DIS06: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2006, . pp. 239-240. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1142405.1142407
Rizzo, Antonio, Marchigiani, Enrica, Andreadis, Alessandro (1997): The AVANTI Project: Prototyping and Evaluation with a Cognitive Walkthrough Based on the N. In: Proceedings of DIS97: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 1997, . pp. 305-309. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/263552/p305-rizzo/p305-rizzo.pdf
Benelli, Giuliano, Caporali, Maurizio, Rizzo, Antonio, Rubegni, Elisa (2001): Design concepts for learning spatial relationships. In: IEEE ACM 19th International Conference on Computer Documentation , 2001, . pp. 22-30. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/501516.501522
Rizzo, Antonio, Neumann, U., Pintaric, T., Norden, M. (2001): Issues for Application Development Using Immersive HMD 360 Degree Panoramic Video Environm. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, . pp. 792-796.
Rizzo, Antonio, Ghahremani, K., Pryor, L., Gardner, S. (2003): Immersive HMD-Delivered 360 Degree Panoramic Video Environments: Research on Creating Usef. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 1233-1237.
Marti, P., Rizzo, Antonio (2003): Levels of design: from usability to experience. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 449-453.
Bagnara, Sebastiano, Rizzo, Antonio (1989): A Methodology for the Analysis of Error Processes in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1989, . pp. 605-612.
Rizzo, Antonio, Parlangeli, O., Cambiganu, C., Bagnara, Sebastiano (1993): Control of Complex System by Situated Knowledge: The Role of Implicit Learning. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1993, . pp. 855-860.
Rizzo, Antonio, Mariani, M., Zenie, A., Bagnara, Sebastiano (1997): Designing the Information Cooperative for Harmonizing, Coordinating, and Promoting Earth O. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1997, . pp. 741-744.
Rubegni, Elisa, Brunk, Jevon, Caporali, Maurizio, Gronvall, Erik, Alessandrini, Andrea, Rizzo, Antonio (2008): Wi-Wave: Urban Furniture for Browsing Internet Contents in Public Spaces. In: Abascal, J., Fajardo, I., Oakley, I. (eds.) 15th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics the Ergonomics of Cool interaction September 16-19, 2008, Funchal, Portugal.
Marti, P., Rizzo, Antonio, Bagnara, Sebastiano, Lomagistro, P., Tanzini, L. (1997): From System Evaluation to Service Redesign: A Case Study. In: Smith, Michael J., Salvendy, Gavriel, Koubek, Richard J. (eds.) HCI International 1997 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 779-782.
Alessandrini, Andrea, Rizzo, Antonio, Rubegni, Elisa (2009): Drama prototyping for the design of urban interactive systems for children. In: Proceedings of ACM IDC09 Interaction Design and Children , 2009, . pp. 198-201. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1551788.1551827
Bertelsen, Olav W., Gronvall, Erik, Rizzo, Antonio (2008): Mockup\'ing as a creative dialog with and through material. In: Abstract in the proceedings of ISCAR 2008 September 9-13, 2008, San Diego, USA.
Rubegni, Elisa, Caporali, Maurizio, Rizzo, Antonio, Gronvall, Erik (2004): Designing the user experience in exhibition spaces. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics September 12-15, 2004, York, UK.
Rizzo, Antonio (2011). Tools. Retrieved from Epique: https://vimeo.com/32263966
Commentary for Activity Theory chapter of The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed..