Author: B. Palmer
Productive Colleagues
Recker, M., Walker, A., Giersch, S., Mao, X., Halioris, S., Palmer, B., Johnson, D., Leary, H., Robertshaw, M. B. (2007): A study of teachers\' use of online learning resources to design classroom activities. In New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 13 (2) pp. 117-134.
Karshmer, Arthur I., Gupta, G., Pontelli, E., Miesenberger, Klaus, Ammalai, N., Gopal, D., Batusic, M., Stoger, B., Palmer, B., Guo, H.-F. (2004): UMA: a system for universal mathematics accessibility. In: Sixth Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies , 2004, . pp. 55-62.
Palmer, B., Pontelli, E. (2003): Experiments in Translating and Navigating Digital Formats for Mathematics (A Progress Repo. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction June 22-27, 2003, Crete, Greece. pp. 1320-1324.
Pontelli, Enrico, Palmer, B. (2004): Translating between Formats for Mathematics: Current Approach and an Agenda for Future Dev. In: Klaus, Joachim, Miesenberger, Klaus, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Burger, Dominique (eds.) ICCHP 2004 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 9th International Conference July 7-9, 2004, Paris, France. pp. 620-625.