Author: Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham
Productive Colleagues
Yuan, Hanfeng, Sachtler, Wendelin L., Durlach, Nathaniel I., Shinn-Cunningham, Barbara G. (2000): Effects of Time Delay on Depth Perception via Motion Parallax in Virtual Environment Syste. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 9 (6) pp. 638-647.
Koh, Glenn, Wiegand, Thomas E. von, Garnett, Rebecca Lee, Durlach, Nathaniel I., Shinn-Cunningham, Barbara G. (1999): Use of Virtual Environments for Acquiring Configurational Knowledge About Specific Real-Wo. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8 (6) pp. 632-656.
Durlach, Nathaniel I., Shinn-Cunningham, Barbara G., Held, Richard M. (1993): Supernormal Auditory Localization. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 2 (2) pp. 89-103.