Author: Bin Wu


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
K. Y. Michael Wong
Nan Du
Bai Wang

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Nan Du
Yi Wang
David Bodoff


Bodoff, David, Wu, Bin, Wong, K. Y. Michael (2003): Relevance data for language models using maximum likelihood. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54 (11) pp. 1050-1061.

Du, Nan, Wang, Bai, Wu, Bin (2008): Overlapping community structure detection in networks. In: Shanahan, James G., Amer-Yahia, Sihem, Manolescu, Ioana, Zhang, Yi, Evans, David A., Kolcz, Aleksander, Choi, Key-Sun, Chowdhury, Abdur (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2008 October 26-30, 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA. pp. 1371-1372.

Du, Nan, Wu, Bin, Wang, Bai (2007): Backbone Discovery in Social Networks. In: 2007 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2007 2-5 November, 2007, Silicon Valley, CA, USA. pp. 100-103.

Du, Nan, Wang, Bai, Wu, Bin, Wang, Yi (2008): Overlapping Community Detection in Bipartite Networks. In: 2008 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2008 9-12 December, 2008, Sydney, NSW, Australia. pp. 176-179.

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