Author: Carl F. DiSalvo
Productive Colleagues
DiSalvo, Carl F., Gemperle, Francine, Forlizzi, Jodi, Kiesler, Sara (2002): All robots are not created equal: the design and perception of humanoid robot heads. In: Proceedings of DIS02: Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques , 2002, . pp. 321-326.
DiSalvo, Carl F., Gemperle, Francine (2003): From seduction to fulfillment: the use of anthropomorphic form in design. In: DPPI 2003 - Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces June 23-26, 2003, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. pp. 67-72.
Forlizzi, Jodi, Gemperle, Francine, DiSalvo, Carl F. (2003): Perceptive sorting: a method for understanding responses to products. In: DPPI 2003 - Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces June 23-26, 2003, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. pp. 103-108.