Author: Carolyn R. Watters


Publication period start: 1998
Number of co-authors: 45


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Melanie Kellar
Jack Duffy
Michael A. Shepherd

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Michael A. Shepherd
Amanda Spink
Kori Inkpen


Kellar, Melanie, Hawkey, Kirstie, Inkpen, Kori, Watters, Carolyn R. (2008): Challenges of Capturing Natural Web-Based User Behaviors. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 24 (4) pp. 385-409.

Kellar, Melanie, Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (2007): A field study characterizing Web-based information-seeking tasks. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (7) pp. 999-1018.

Christie, John, Klein, Raymond M., Watters, Carolyn R. (2004): A comparison of simple hierarchy and grid metaphors for option layouts on small-size scree. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 60 (5) pp. 564-584.

Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack, Duffy, Kathryn (2003): Using large tables on small display devices. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58 (1) pp. 21-37.

Kellar, Melanie, MacKay, Bonnie, Zhang, Rui, Watters, Carolyn R., Kaufman, David, Borwein, Jonathan M. (2003): Dynamic Composition of Math Lessons. In Educational Technology & Society, 6 (4) pp. 100-111.

Watters, Carolyn R., Amoudi, Ghada (2003): Geosearcher: Location-based Ranking of Search Engine Results. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54 (2) pp. 140-151.

Shepherd, Michael A., Duffy, Jack, Watters, Carolyn R., Gugle, Nitin (2001): The role of user profiles for news filtering. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52 (2) pp. 149-160.

Watters, Carolyn R., Wang, Hong (2000): Rating news documents for similarity. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51 (9) pp. 793-804.

Watters, Carolyn R. (1999): Information Retrieval and the Virtual Document. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50 (11) pp. 1028-1029.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A., Burkowski, Forbes J. (1998): Electronic News Delivery Project. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49 (2) pp. 134-150.

Watters, Carolyn R., Conley, Marshall, Alexander, Cynthia (1998): The Digital Agora: Using Technolgy for Learning in the Social Sciences. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (1) pp. 50-57.

Watters, Carolyn R. (1996): Extending the multimedia class hierarchy for hypermedia applications. In New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2 (0) pp. 1-16.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A., Qiu, Liwen (1994): Task-Oriented Access to Data Files: An Evaluation. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 45 (4) pp. 251-262.

Salminen, Airi, Watters, Carolyn R. (1992): A Two-Level Structure for Textual Databases to Support Hypertext Access. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 43 (6) pp. 432-447.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (1991): Hypertext Access and the New Oxford English Dictionary. In Hypermedia, 3 (1) pp. 59-79.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (1990): A Transient Hypergraph-Based Model for Data Access. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 8 (2) pp. 77-102.

Watters, Carolyn R. (1989): Logic framework for information retrieval. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40 (5) pp. 311-324.

Kellar, Melanie, Watters, Carolyn R., Inkpen, Kori (2007): An exploration of web-based monitoring: implications for design. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2007 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2007, . pp. 377-386.

Kellar, Melanie, Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael (2006): The impact of task on the usage of web browser navigation mechanisms. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Graphics Interface , 2006, . pp. 235-242.

MacKay, Bonnie, Kellar, Melanie, Watters, Carolyn R. (2005): An evaluation of landmarks for re-finding information on the web. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 1609-1612.

MacKay, Bonnie, Dearman, David, Inkpen, Kori, Watters, Carolyn R. (2005): Walk \'n scroll: a comparison of software-based navigation techniques for different levels. In: Proceedings of 7th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2005, . pp. 183-190.

Dong, Lei, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2005): Comparing two one-handed access methods on a PDA. In: Proceedings of 7th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2005, . pp. 235-238.

Zhang, Rui, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2005): Using cascade method for table access on small devices. In: Proceedings of 7th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2005, . pp. 349-350.

Kay, Bonnie Ma, Watters, Carolyn R. (2008): Exploring multi-session web tasks. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 5-10, 2008, . pp. 1187-1196.

Reilly, Derek F., MacKay, Bonnie, Watters, Carolyn R., Inkpen, Kori (2008): Small details: using one device to navigate together. In: Proceedings of ACM CSCW08 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , 2008, . pp. 253-256.

MacKay, Bonnie, Watters, Carolyn R. (2009): Building support for multi-session tasks. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 4273-4278.

Dong, Lei, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2005): Comparing two one-handed access methods on a PDA. In: Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Mihalic, Kristijan (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2005 September 19-22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 235-238.

MacKay, Bonnie, Dearman, David, Inkpen, Kori, Watters, Carolyn R. (2005): Walk \'n scroll: a comparison of software-based navigation techniques for different levels. In: Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Mihalic, Kristijan (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2005 September 19-22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 183-190.

MacKay, Bonnie, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2004): Web Page Transformation When Switching Devices. In: Brewster, Stephen A., Dunlop, Mark D. (eds.) Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - Mobile HCI 2004 - 6th International Symposium September 13-16, 2004, Glasgow, UK. pp. 228-239.

Zhang, Rui, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2005): Using cascade method for table access on small devices. In: Tscheligi, Manfred, Bernhaupt, Regina, Mihalic, Kristijan (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - Mobile HCI 2005 September 19-22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 349-350.

Dong, Lei, Watters, Carolyn R. (2004): Improving Efficiency and Relevance Ranking in Information Retrieval. In: 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2004 20-24 September, 2004, Beijing, China. pp. 648-651.

Zhang, Rui, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2004): Examining Table Variations on Small Screen Devices. In: 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2004 20-24 September, 2004, Beijing, China. pp. 652-655.

Dong, Lei, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack, Shepherd, Michael A. (2006): Binary Cybergenre Classification Using Theoretic Feature Measures. In: 2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2006 18-22 December, 2006, Hong Kong, China. pp. 313-316.

Basu, Atreya, Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (2003): Support Vector Machines for Text Categorization. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 103.

Kellar, Melanie, Stern, Henry, Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (2004): An Information Architecture to Support Dynamic Composition of Interactive Lessons and Reus. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

Lingley-Pottie, Patricia, Watters, Carolyn R., McGrath, Patrick, Janz, Teresa (2005): Providing Family Help at Home. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Paterson, Grace I., Shepherd, Michael A., Wang, Xiaoli, Watters, Carolyn R., Zitner, David (2002): Using the XML-Based Clinical Document Architecture for Exchange of Structured Discharge Su. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 119.

Shepherd, Michael A., Watters, Carolyn R. (1998): The Evolution of Cybergenres. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 97-109.

Shepherd, Michael A., Watters, Carolyn R. (1999): The Functionality Attribute of Cybergenres. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .

Shepherd, Michael A., Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack, Kaushik, Raj (2001): Browsing and Keyword-based Profiles: A Cautionary Tale. In: HICSS 2001 , 2001, .

Shepherd, Michael A., Watters, Carolyn R., Marath, Ajitha T. (2002): Adaptive User Modeling for Filtering Electronic News. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 102.

Shepherd, Michael A., Watters, Carolyn R., Young, June (2004): Context Thesaurus for the Extraction of Metadata from Medical Research Papers. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

Shepherd, Michael A., Zitner, David, Watters, Carolyn R. (2000): Medical Portals: Web-based Access to Medical Information. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .

Watters, Carolyn R., MacKay, Bonnie (2004): Transformation Volatility and the Gateway Model for Web Page Migration to Small Screen Dev. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (1997): The Digital Broadsheet: An Evolving Genre. In: HICSS 1997 , 1997, . pp. 22-29.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A., Alexander, Cynthia, Conley, Marshall (1998): Designing the Digital Agora: Pushing the Web Envelope. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 485-495.

Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A., Abouzied, Azza, Cox, Anthony, Kellar, Melanie, Kharrazi, Hadi, Liu, Fengan, Otley, Anthony (2006): Extending the Use of Games in Health Care. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.

Watters, Carolyn R., Zhang, Rui (2003): PDA Access to Internet Content: Focus on Forms. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 105.

Zhang, Rui, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack (2006): Lookahead Cascade for Table Access on Small Devices. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.

Zhang, Richong, Shepherd, Michael A., Duffy, Jack, Watters, Carolyn R. (2007): Automatic Web Page Categorization using Principal Component Analysis. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 73.

Watters, Carolyn R., Spink, Amanda (2007): Minitrack: Web Effectiveness: The User Perspective. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 81.

Dong, Lei, Watters, Carolyn R., Duffy, Jack, Shepherd, Michael A. (2008): An Examination of Genre Attributes for Web Page Classification. In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 133.

Patterson, Kathryn, Watters, Carolyn R., Shepherd, Michael A. (2008): Document Retrieval Using Proximity-Based Phrase Searching. In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 137.

Jordan, Chris, Watters, Carolyn R. (2009): Retrieval of Single Wikipedia Articles While Reading Abstracts. In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-10.

Reilly, Derek F., Inkpen, Kori, Watters, Carolyn R. (2009): Controlling, Integrating, and Engaging Context in Urban Computing Research. In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-10.

Kellar, Melanie, Watters, Carolyn R. (2006): Using web browser interactions to predict task. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2006, . pp. 843-844.

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