Author: Catherine Berrut
Productive Colleagues
Berrut, Catherine, Palmer, Patrick (1986): Solving Grammatical Ambiguities within a Surface Syntactical Parser for Automatic Indexing. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1986, . pp. 123-130.
Berrut, Catherine, Chiaramella, Yves (1989): Indexing Medical Reports in a Multimedia Environment: The RIME Experimental Approach. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1989, . pp. 187-197.
Boughanem, Mohand, Berrut, Catherine, Mothe, Josiane, Soulé-Dupuy, Chantal (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 31th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2009 April 6-9, 2009, 2009, Toulouse, France.
Nguyen, An-Te, Denos, Nathalie, Berrut, Catherine (2007): Improving new user recommendations with rule-based induction on cold user data. In: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems , 2007, . pp. 121-128.