Author: Charlotte Linde
Productive Colleagues
Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Adler, Annette, Ito, Mizuko, Linde, Charlotte, O'Day, Vicky L. (1999): The network communities of SeniorNet. In: Boedker, Susanne, Kyng, Morten, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 99 - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12-16 September, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 219.
Goguen, Joseph A., Linde, Charlotte (1993): Techniques for requirements elicitation. In 1993 Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, 0 (0) pp. 152-164.
Linde, Charlotte (1988): Who\'s in Charge Here? Cooperative Work and Authority Negotiation in Police Helicopter Mis. In: Greif, Irene (eds.) Proceedings of the 1988 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work September 26 - 28, 1988, Portland, Oregon, United States. pp. 52-64.
Goguen, J. A., Weiner, J. L., Linde, Charlotte (1983): Reasoning and Natural Explanation. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 19 (6) pp. 521-559.
Linde, Charlotte, Shively, Robert J. (1988): Field Study of Communication and Workload in Police Helicopters: Implications for AI Cockp. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting , 1988, . pp. 237-241.