Author: Christian Muller-Tomfelde


Publication period start: 2001
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Thorsten Prante
Norbert A. Streitz
Ralf Steinmetz

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Peter Tandler
Ralf Steinmetz
Norbert A. Streitz


Tandler, Peter, Prante, Thorsten, Muller-Tomfelde, Christian, Streitz, Norbert A., Steinmetz, Ralf (2001): Connectables: dynamic coupling of displays for the flexible creation of shared workspaces. In: Marks, Joe, Mynatt, Elizabeth D. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology November 11 - 14, 2001, Orlando, Florida. pp. 11-20.

Streitz, Norbert A., Geissler, Jorg, Holmer, Torsten, Konomi, Shin\'ichi, Muller-Tomfelde, Christian, Reischl, Wolfgang, Rexroth, Petra, Seitz, Peter, Steinmetz, Ralf (1999): i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation. In: Altom, Mark W., Williams, Marian G. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 99 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 15-20, 1999, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 120-127.

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