Author: Christine L. Lisetti


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Cynthia LeRouge
Andreas H. Marpaung
Fatma Nasoz

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Fatma Nasoz
Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz
Cynthia LeRouge


Nasoz, Fatma, Lisetti, Christine L. (2006): MAUI avatars: Mirroring the user's sensed emotions via expressive multi-ethnic facial avat. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 17 (5) pp. 430-444.

Lisetti, Christine L., Nasoz, Fatma (2002): Maui: A multimodal affective user interface. In: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia , 2002, . pp. 161-170.

Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr J., Lisetti, Christine L. (2001): Emotions and Personality in Agent Design and Modeling. In: Bauer, Mathias, Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr J., Vassileva, Julita (eds.) User Modeling 2001 - 8th International Conference - UM 2001 July 13-17, 2001, Sonthofen, Germany. pp. 237-239.

Villon, Olivier, Lisetti, Christine L. (2007): A User Model of Psycho-physiological Measure of Emotion. In: Conati, Cristina, McCoy, Kathleen F., Paliouras, Georgios (eds.) User Modeling 2007 - 11th International Conference - UM 2007 June 25-29, 2007, Corfu, Greece. pp. 319-323.

Lisetti, Christine L., Douglas, Michael, LeRouge, Cynthia (2001): Intelligent affective interfaces: a user-modeling approach for telemedicine. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) HCI International 2001 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 5-10, 2001, New Orleans, USA. pp. 82-86.

Nasoz, Fatma, Lisetti, Christine L. (2007): Affective User Modeling for Adaptive Intelligent User Interfaces. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part III , 2007, . pp. 421-430.

Lisetti, Christine L., LeRouge, Cynthia (2004): Affective Computing in Tele-Home Health. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

Lisetti, Christine L., Nasoz, Fatma (2002): MAUI: a multimodal affective user interface. In: ACM Multimedia 2002 , 2002, . pp. 161-170.

Marpaung, Andreas H., Brown, Sarah M., Lisetti, Christine L. (2002): A technical demonstration of Lola, the robot entertainer. In: ACM Multimedia 2002 , 2002, . pp. 91-93.

Nasoz, Fatma, Ozyer, Onur, Lisetti, Christine L., Finkelstein, Neal (2002): Multimodal affective driver interfaces for future cars. In: ACM Multimedia 2002 , 2002, . pp. 319-322.

Lisetti, Christine L., Marpaung, Andreas H. (2005): A Three-Layered Architecture for Socially Intelligent Agents: Modeling the Multilevel Proc. In: Tao, Jianhua, Tan, Tieniu, Picard, Rosalind W. (eds.) ACII 2005 - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, First International Conference October 22-24, 2005, Beijing, China. pp. 956-963.

Paleari, Marco, Lisetti, Christine L. (2006): Toward multimodal fusion of affective cues. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM International Workshop on Human-Centered Multimedia , 2006, . pp. 99-108.

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