Author: Christopher A. Pennington
Productive Colleagues
McCoy, Kathleen F., Demasco, Patrick, Pennington, Christopher A., Badman, Arlene Luberoff (1997): Some Interface Issues in Developing Intelligent Communications Aids for People with Disabi. In: Moore, Johanna D., Edmonds, Ernest, Puerta, Angel R. (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 1997 January 6-9, 1997, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 163-170.
Michaud, Lisa N., McCoy, Kathleen F., Pennington, Christopher A. (2000): An Intelligent Tutoring System for Deaf Learners of Written English. In: Fourth Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies , 2000, . pp. 92-100.
McCoy, Kathleen F., Demasco, Patrick W., Jones, Mark A., Pennington, Christopher A., Vanderheyden, Peter B., Zickus, Wendy M. (1994): A Communication Tool for People with Disabilities: Lexical Semantics for Filling in the Pi. In: First Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies , 1994, . pp. 107-114.