Author: Christopher Plott
Productive Colleagues
Plott, Christopher, Wachtel, Jerry, Laughery, K. Ronald (1988): Operational Assessment of Simulator Fidelity in the Nuclear Industry. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting , 1988, . pp. 705-709.
Small, Ronald, Plott, Christopher, McDermott, Patricia L. (2009): The Use of Concept Maps to Support Human-System Integration Requirements: Highlighting the. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting , 2009, . pp. 106-110.
Jones, Michael, Plott, Christopher, Jones, Melvin, Olthoff, Thomas (2010): THE CAB TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION LAB: A LOCOMOTIVE SIMULATOR FOR HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 2110-2114.