Author: Dagobert Soergel


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 30


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Bhuvana Ramabhadran
Douglas W. Oard
Gary Marchionini

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Anita Komlodi
Douglas W. Oard
Gary Marchionini


Komlodi, Anita, Soergel, Dagobert, Marchionini, Gary (2006): Search histories for user support in user interfaces. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (6) pp. 803-897.

Soergel, Dagobert (1999): The Rise of Ontologies or the Reinvention of Classification. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50 (12) pp. 1119-1120.

Wang, Peiling, Soergel, Dagobert (1998): A Cognitive Model of Document Use During a Research Project. Study I. Document Selection. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49 (2) pp. 115-133.

Soergel, Dagobert (1994): Indexing and Retrieval Performance: The Logical Evidence. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 45 (8) pp. 589-599.

Soergel, Dagobert (2001): Tutorial 3: Thesauri and Ontologies. In: JCDL01: Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2001, . pp. 479.

Thompson, Paul, Koch, Traugott, Carter, John, Neuroth, Heike, O\'Neill, Ed, Soergel, Dagobert (2001): Workshop 3: Classification Crosswalks. In: JCDL01: Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2001, . pp. 484.

Gustman, Samuel, Soergel, Dagobert, Oard, Douglas, Byrne, William, Picheny, Michael, Ramabhadran, Bhuvana, Greenberg, Douglas (2002): Supporting access to large digital oral history archives. In: JCDL02: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2002, . pp. 18-27.

Soergel, Dagobert (2002): Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries: 1. structure and use in knowledge-based assi. In: JCDL02: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2002, . pp. 415.

Soergel, Dagobert (2002): Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries: 2. design, evaluation, and development. In: JCDL02: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2002, . pp. 419.

Hodge, Gail M., Zeng, Marcia Lei, Soergel, Dagobert (2003): Building a meaningful Web: from traditional knowledge organization systems to new semantic. In: JCDL03: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2003, . pp. 417.

Soergel, Dagobert (2005): Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries. In: JCDL05: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2005, . pp. 421.

Ding, Wei, Marchionini, Gary, Soergel, Dagobert (1999): Multimodal Surrogates for Video Browsing. In: DL99: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries , 1999, . pp. 85-93.

Oard, Douglas W., Soergel, Dagobert, Doermann, David, Huang, Xiaoli, Murray, G. Craig, Wang, Jianqiang, Ramabhadran, Bhuvana, Franz, Martin, Gustman, Samuel, Mayfield, James, Kharevych, Liliya, Strassel, Stephanie (2004): Building an information retrieval test collection for spontaneous conversational speech. In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2004, . pp. 41-48.

Lin, Xia, Soergel, Dagobert, Marchionini, Gary (1991): A Self-Organizing Semantic Map for Information Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1991, . pp. 262-269.

Zhang, Pengyi, Plettenberg, Lynne, Klavans, Judith L., Oard, Douglas W., Soergel, Dagobert (2007): Task-based interaction with an integrated multilingual, multimedia information system: a f. In: JCDL07: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2007, . pp. 117-126.

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