Dan Lockton

Author: Dan Lockton

BSc(Hons) MPhil

Doctoral student at Brunel University, London, researching \'Design with Intent\': how the design of products, services and environments can be used to influence user behaviour for social benefit - in particular, reducing the environmental impact of use (Design for Sustainable Behaviour). Author of the Architectures of Control / Design with Intent blog (since 2005).


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 3


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Tim Holley
David Harrison
Neville A. Stanton

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Tim Holley
David Harrison
Neville A. Stanton


Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2008): Making the user more efficient: design for sustainable behaviour. In International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1 (1) pp. 3-8. https://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a793147966

Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2008): Design with Intent: Persuasive Technology in a Wider Context. In: Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri, Hasle, Per F. V., Harjumaa, Marja, Segerståhl, Katarina, Oehrstroem, Peter (eds.) PERSUASIVE 2008 - Persuasive Technology, Third International Conference June 4-6, 2008, Oulu, Finland. pp. 274-278. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68504-3_30

Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Holley, Tim, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Influencing Interaction: Development of the Design with Intent Method. In: PERSUASIVE 2009 - Persuasive Technology, Fourth International Conference April 26-29, 2009, Claremont, California. https://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1541956

Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Choice Architecture and Design with Intent. In: Wong, William, Stanton, Neville A. (eds.) NDM9 - 9th Bi-annual International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making June 23-26, 2009, London, England. pp. 355-361. https://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=ConWebDoc.26891

Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2009). Design for Behaviour Change: The Design with Intent Toolkit v.0.9. Retrieved from Brunel University: https://www.designwithintent.co.uk

Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Holley, Tim, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Influencing interaction: development of the design with intent method. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Persuasive Technology , 2009, . pp. 5. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1541948.1541956

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