
Publication period start: 1996
Number of co-authors: 43


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jayadev Misra
Paul Young
Dorothy Marsh

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
David Lorge Parnas
Robert L. Glass
Peter J. Denning


Gries, David (2006): What Have We Not Learned about Teaching Programming?. In IEEE Computer, 39 (10) pp. 81-82.

Boyer, Robert S., Feijen, W. H. J., Gries, David, Hoare, C. A. R., Misra, Jayadev, Moore, J., Richards, H. (2002): In memoriam: Edsger W. Dijkstra 1930-2002. In Communications of the ACM, 45 (10) pp. 21-22.

Bowen, Jonathan P., Butler, Ricky W., Dill, David L., Glass, Robert L., Gries, David, Hall, Anthony, Hinchey, Michael G., Holloway, C. Michael, Jackson, Daniel, Jones, Cliff B., Lutz, Michael J., Parnas, David Lorge, Rushby, John M., Wing, Jeannette M., Zave, Pamela (1996): An Invitation to Formal Methods. In IEEE Computer, 29 (4) pp. 16-30.

Raman, T. V., Gries, David (1996): Interactive Audio Documents. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 7 (1) pp. 97-108.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1992): The 1990-91 Taulbee Survey Report. In IEEE Computer, 25 (11) pp. 69-75.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1992): The 1989-90 Taulbee Survey. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (1) pp. 132-143.

Gries, David (1991): Teaching Calculation and Discrimination: A More Effective Curriculum. In Communications of the ACM, 34 (3) pp. 44-55.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1990): The 1988-89 Taulbee Survey Report. In IEEE Computer, 23 (10) pp. 65-71.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1990): The 1988-89 Taulbee Survey Report. In Communications of the ACM, 33 (9) pp. 160-169.

Denning, Peter J., Comer, Douglas, Gries, David, Mulder, Michael C., Tucker, Allen B., Turner, A. Joe, Young, Paul R. (1989): Computing as a Discipline. In IEEE Computer, 22 (2) pp. 63-70.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1989): The 1987-88 Taulbee Survey Report. In IEEE Computer, 22 (11) pp. 49-56.

Gries, David, Walker, Terry, Young, Paul (1989): 1988 Snowbird Report: A Discipline Matures. In IEEE Computer, 22 (2) pp. 72-75.

Denning, Peter J., Comer, Douglas, Gries, David, Mulder, Michael C., Tucker, Allen B., Turner, A. Joe, Young, Paul R. (1989): Computing as a Discipline. In Communications of the ACM, 32 (1) pp. 9-23.

Eisenberg, Ted, Gries, David, Hartmanis, Juris, Holcomb, Don, Lynn, M. Stuart, Santoro, Thomas (1989): The Cornell Commission: On Morris and the Worm. In Communications of the ACM, 32 (6) pp. 706-709.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1989): The 1987-1988 Taulbee Survey. In Communications of the ACM, 32 (10) pp. 1217-1224.

Gries, David, Walker, Terry, Young, Paul (1989): The 1988 Snowbird Report: A Discipline Matures. In Communications of the ACM, 32 (3) pp. 294-297.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1988): The 1986-1987 Taulbee Survey. In IEEE Computer, 21 (8) pp. 53-61.

Gries, David, Marsh, Dorothy (1988): The 1986-1987 Taulbee Survey. In Communications of the ACM, 31 (8) pp. 984-991.

Gries, David (1987): The 1985-1986 Taulbee Survey. In Communications of the ACM, 30 (8) pp. 688-694.

Gries, David, Miller, Raymond E., Ritchie, Robert W., Young, Paul (1986): Imbalance Between Growth and Funding in Academic Computing Science: Two Trends Colliding. In IEEE Computer, 19 (9) pp. 70-76.

Gries, David (1986): The 1984-1985 Taulbee Survey. In Communications of the ACM, 29 (10) pp. 972-977.

Gries, David, Miller, Raymond E., Ritchie, Robert W., Young, Paul (1986): Imbalance Between Growth and Funding in Academic Computing Science: Two Trends Colliding. In Communications of the ACM, 29 (9) pp. 870-878.

Gries, David, Misra, Jayadev (1978): A Linear Sieve Algorithm for Finding Prime Numbers. In Communications of the ACM, 21 (12) pp. 999-1003.

Gries, David (1977): An Exercise in Proving Parallel Programs Correct. In Communications of the ACM, 20 (12) pp. 921-930.

Gries, David, Gehani, Narain H. (1977): Some Ideas on Data Types in High-Level Languages. In Communications of the ACM, 20 (6) pp. 414-420.

Owicki, Susan S., Gries, David (1976): Verifying Properties of Parallel Programs: An Axiomatic Approach. In Communications of the ACM, 19 (5) pp. 279-285.

Feldman, Jerome A., Gries, David (1968): Translator writing systems. In Communications of the ACM, 11 (2) pp. 77-113.

Gries, David (1968): Use of transition matrices in compiling. In Communications of the ACM, 11 (1) pp. 26-34.

Bayer, Rudolf, Gries, David, Paul, Manfred, Wiehle, Hans-Rüdiger (1967): The ALCOR Illinois 7090/7094 post mortem dump. In Communications of the ACM, 10 (12) pp. 804-808.

Gries, David, Paul, Manfred, Wiehle, Hans-Rüdiger (1965): Some techniques used in the ALCOR ILLINOIS 7090. In Communications of the ACM, 8 (8) pp. 496-500.

Raman, T. V., Gries, David (1994): Interactive Audio Documents. In: First Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies , 1994, . pp. 62-68.

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