Author: Dogan Kesdogan


Publication period start: 2013
Number of co-authors: 34


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Thomas Barth
Marcel Heupel
Mohamed Bourimi

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Ricardo Tesoriero
Marcel Heupel
Mohamed Bourimi


Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan, Heupel, Marcel, Abou-Tair, Dhiah el Diehn I., Lambropoulos, Niki (2013): PETs at CSCL Service: Underutilised Potentials for Privacy Enhancing Distance Education. In Special Issue: Interaction Design in Educational Environments (J.UCS 2013), 19 (7) pp. 912-931.

Abou-Tair, Dhiah el Diehn I., Bourimi, Mohamed, Tesoriero, Ricardo, Heupel, Marcel, Kesdogan, Dogan, Ueberschär, Bernd (2013): An End-user Tailorable Generic Framework for Privacy-preserving Location-based Mobile Appl. 7 (6) pp. 2137-2148.

Bourimi, Mohamed, Barth, Thomas, Kesdogan, Dogan, Abou-Tair, Dhiah el Diehn I., Hermann, Fabian, Thiel, Simon (2012): Using Distributed User Interfaces in Collaborative, Secure, and Privacy-Preserving Softwar. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 28 (11) pp. 748-753.

Bourimi, Mohamed, Heupel, Marcel, Kesdogan, Dogan, Fielenbach, Thomas (2011). Enhancing Usability of Privacy-Respecting Authentication and Authorization in Mobile Socia. University of Siegen

Bourimi, Mohamed, Kühnel, Falk, Haake, Jorg M., Abou-Tair, Dhiah el Diehn I., Kesdogan, Dogan (2009): ailoring Collaboration According Privacy Needs in Real-Identity Collaborative Systems. In: 5th International Workshop, CRIWG 2009 September 13-17, 2009, Peso da Régua, Douro, Portugal. pp. 110-125.

Bourimi, Mohamed, Diehn, Dhiah el, Kesdogan, Dogan, Barth, Thomas, Hofke, Kathrin (2010): Evaluating Potentials of Internet- and Web-based Socialtv in the Light of Privacy. In: Social Computing SocialCom, 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on 20-22 Aug., 2010, .*%26searchField%3DSearch+All

Bourimi, Mohamed, Barth, Thomas, Haake, Jorg M., Ueberschär, Bernd, Kesdogan, Dogan (2010): AFFINE for Enforcing Earlier Consideration of NFRs and Human Factors When Building Socio-T. In: Bernhaupt, Regina, Forbrig, Peter, Gulliksen, Jan, Lárusdóttir, Marta (eds.) HUMAN-CENTRED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , 2010, . pp. 182-189.

Boursas, Latifa, Bourimi, Mohamed, Hommel, Wolfgang, Kesdogan, Dogan (2010): Enhancing Trust in SOA Based Collaborative Environments. In: SYSTEMS AND VIRTUALIZATION MANAGEMENT. STANDARDS AND THE CLOUD , 2010, . pp. 94-102.

Bourimi, Mohamed, Ueberschär, Bernd, Ganglbauer, Eva, Kesdogan, Dogan, Barth, Thomas, Dax, Julian, Heupel, Marcel (2010): Building Usable and Privacy-Preserving Mobile Collaborative Applications for Real-Life Com. In: International Conference on Information Society i-Society 2010 June 28-30, 2010, London, UK.

Bourimi, Mohamed, Mau, Gunnar, Steinmann, Sascha, Klein, Dominik, Templin, Steffen, Kesdogan, Dogan, Shramm-Klein, Hanna (2011): A Privacy-Respecting Indoor Localization Approach For Identifying Shopper Paths By Using E. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations , 2011, Las Vegas.

Barth, Thomas, Fielenbach, Thomas, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan, Villanueva, Pedro G. (2011): Supporting Distributed Decision Making Using Secure Distributed User Interfaces. In: Tesoriero, Ricardo, Gallud, José A., Vanderdonckt, Jean M., Lozano, María D., Botell, Federico, Penichet, Víctor Ruíz (eds.) Distributed User Interfaces CHI 2011 Workshop , 2011, .

Dax, Julian, Heupel, Marcel, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan (2010). Eine datenschutzfreundliche, ortsbezogene Groupware für das iPhone. Retrieved from 4te Essener Workshop Neue Herausforderungen in der Netzsicherheit:

Karatas, Fatih, Bourimi, Mohamed, Barth, Thomas, Kesdogan, Dogan, Gimenez, Rafael (2012): Towards Secure and At-Runtime Tailorable Customer-Driven Public Cloud Deployment. In: 9th IEEE Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services part of PerCom 2012 , 2012, .

Bourimi, Mohamed, Heupel, Marcel, Westermann, Benedikt, Kesdogan, Dogan, Gimenez, Rafael, Planaguma, Marc, Karatas, Fatih, Schwarte, Philipp (2012): Towards transparent anonymity for user-controlled servers supporting collaborative scenari. In: 9th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations, ITNG 2012 , 2012, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Westermann, Benedikt, Kesdogan, Dogan (eds.) New Technologies, Mobility and Security NTMS, 2012 5th International Conference on 7-10 May 2012, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Heupel, Marcel, Fischer, Lars, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan, Scerri, Simon, Hermann, Fabian, Gimenez, Rafael (2012): Context-Aware, Trust-Based Access Control for the Userware. In: Westermann, Benedikt, Kesdogan, Dogan (eds.) New Technologies, Mobility and Security NTMS, 2012 5th International Conference on 7-10 May 2012, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 1-6.

Fischer, Lars, Heupel, Marcel, Kesdogan, Dogan, Gimenez, Rafael (2012): Enhancing privacy in collaborative scenarios utilising a flexible proxy layer. In: Future Generation Communication Technology FGCT, 2012 International Conference on December 12-14, 2012, London. pp. 126-132.

D.E.-D.I., Abou Tair,, Bourimi, Mohamed, Tesoriero, Ricardo, Kesdogan, Dogan, Heupel, Marcel (2012): A generic location-based mobile application framework supporting privacy-preserving end-us. In: Future Generation Communication Technology FGCT, 2012 International Conference on December 12-14, 2012, London. pp. 202-107.

Fischer, Lars, Heupel, Marcel, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan, Gimenez, Rafael (2012): Enhancing privacy in collaborative scenarios utilising a flexible proxy layer. In: Future Generation Communication Technology FGCT, 2012 International Conference 12-14 Dec., 2012, London, UK. pp. 126-132.

Scerri, Simon, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan (2013): Marcel Heupel. In: MSM13 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media , 2013, Paris, France.

Schwarte, Philipp, Bourimi, Mohamed, Heupel, Marcel, Kesdogan, Dogan, Gimenez, Rafael, Wrobel, Sophie, Thiel, Simon (2013): Multilaterally Secure Communication Anonymity in Decentralized Social Networking. In: ITNG 13 Proceedings of the 2013 10th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations , 2013, . pp. 498-504.

Karatas, Fatih, Heupel, Marcel, Bourimi, Mohamed, Kesdogan, Dogan, Wrobel, Sophie (2013): Considering Interdependent Protection Goals in Domain-Specific Contexts: The Case St. In: ITNG 13 Proceedings of the 2013 10th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations , 2013, . pp. 27-32.

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