Author: Don Almeida
When strong winds blow, there are some who curse the winds, some who build shelters, while some build wind mills.
Hello, I am Don Almeida , both a educator and a software developer for over 13 years. I decided to become a educator so that I could inspire others to learn, just as my teachers fostered my love for knowledge. I decided to move to software development, to quench my thirst of creating/building/shaping something new.
Don Almeida is an MBA, a certified by Project Manager (PMP) from Project management Institute [www.pmi.org]. He is also a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer.
Don Almeida is a certified instructor from Computer Associates and has been teaching over 10 years now. He has been a technical speaker and Trainer for Microsoft products like .NET worldwide.
He has been honored and is listed by Strathmore\'s Who\'s Who for his professional, leadership and achievement in his occupation. [Listed in 2007-2008].
He loves to Read and blog about Technical and Project Management related Issues.
Productive Colleagues
Khan, Azam, Fitzmaurice, George W., Almeida, Don, Burtnyk, Nicolas, Kurtenbach, Gordon (2004): A remote control interface for large displays. In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 2004, . pp. 127-136. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1029632.1029655