Author: Doug Burger
Productive Colleagues
Burger, Doug, Goodman, James R. (2004): Billion-Transistor Architectures: There and Back Again. In IEEE Computer, 37 (3) pp. 22-28.
Burger, Doug, Keckler, Stephen W., McKinley, Kathryn S., Dahlin, Michael, John, Lizy Kurian, Lin, Calvin, Moore, Charles R., Burrill, James H., McDonald, Robert G., Yode, William (2004): Scaling to the End of Silicon with EDGE Architectures. In IEEE Computer, 37 (7) pp. 44-55.
Adve, Sarita V., Burger, Doug, Eigenmann, Rudolf, Rawsthorne, Alasdair, Smith, Michael D., Gebotys, Catherine H., Kandemir, Mahmut T., Lilja, David J., Choudhary, Alok N., Fang, Jesse Zhixi, Yew, Pen-Chung (1997): Changing Interaction of Compiler and Architecture. In IEEE Computer, 30 (12) pp. 51-58.
Burger, Doug, Goodman, James R. (1997): Billion-Transistor Architectures - Guest Editors\' Introduction. In IEEE Computer, 30 (9) pp. 46-49.