Eric D. Ragan

Author: Eric D. Ragan


Eric D. Ragan is researcher at Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech. 2007 he got Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, Computer Science at Gannon University. In 2010 Ragan got Master Degree in Computer Science and Applications at Virginia Tech. Temporarily he is PhD candidate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. As a member of the 3D Interaction Group, he work with Dr. Doug Bowman on immersive virtual reality research. His research interests include immersive virtual reality and 3D worlds, visual analytics, educational software, training systems, virtual travel techniques, and human-computer interaction. For his dissertation research, he is studying how people use space and locations to help themselves learn in virtual environments. He is researching whether learners can take advantage of 3D layouts to help understand information.


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 8


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Alex Endert
Francis Quek
Doug A. Bowman

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Francis Quek
Tobias Hollerer
Doug A. Bowman


Bowman, Doug A., McMahan, Ryan P., Ragan, Eric D. (2012): Questioning naturalism in 3D user interfaces. In Communications of the ACM, 55 (9) pp. 78-88.

Ragan, Eric D., Wilkes, Curtis, Bowman, Doug A., Hollerer, Tobias (2009): Simulation of AugmentedReality Systems in Purely Virtual Environments. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 VR 2009 14-18 March, 2009, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp. 287-288.

Ragan, Eric D., Endert, Alex, Bowman, Doug A., Quek, Francis (2011): The effects of spatial layout and view control on cognitive processing. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 2005-2010.

Bowman, Doug A., Sowndararajan, Ajith, Ragan, Eric D., Kopper, Regis (2009): Higher Levels of Immersion Improve Procedure Memorization Performance. In: Hirose, Michitaka, Schmalstieg, Dieter, Wingrave, Chadwick A., Nishimura, Kunihiro (eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - ICAT-EuroVR , 2009, Lyon, France. pp. 121-128.

Ragan, Eric D., Endert, Alex, Bowman, Doug A., Quek, Francis (2012): How spatial layout, interactivity, and persistent visibility affect learning with large di. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 91-98.

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