Author: Eric S. Raymond
Eric Steven Raymond (born December 4, 1957), often referred to as ESR, is an American computer programmer, author and open source software advocate. His name became known within hacker culture when he became the maintainer of the "Jargon File" in 1990. After the 1997 publication of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Raymond became, for a number of years, an unofficial spokesman for the open source movement.
Raymond, Eric S. (1999): A Response to Nikolai Bezroukov. In First Monday, 4 (11) pp. . https://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue4_11/raymond/index.html
Raymond, Eric S. (1998): The Cathedral and the Bazaar. In First Monday, 3 (3) pp. . https://firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_3/raymond/index.html
Raymond, Eric S. (1998): Homesteading the Noosphere. In First Monday, 3 (10) pp. . https://firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_10/raymond/index.html