Author: Eugenio Oliveira
Productive Colleagues
Sarmento, Luís, Jijkoun, Valentin, Rijke, Maarten de, Oliveira, Eugenio (2007): \"More like these\": growing entity classes from seeds. In: Silva, Mario J., Laender, Alberto H. F., Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A., McGuinness, Deborah L., Olstad, Bjørn, Olsen, Øystein Haug, Falcão, André O. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2007 November 6-10, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 959-962.
Castro, Antonio, Oliveira, Eugenio (2007): A Distributed Multi-Agent System to Solve Airline Operations Problems. In: Cardoso, Jorge, Cordeiro, José, Filipe, Joaquim (eds.) ICEIS 2007 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume AIDSS June 12-16, 2007, Funchal, Portugal. pp. 22-30.
Teixeira, Jorge, Vinhas, Vasco, Oliveira, Eugenio, Reis, Luís Paulo (2007): Multichannel Emotion Assessment Framework - Gender and High-Frequency Electroencephalograp. In: Cordeiro, José, Filipe, Joaquim (eds.) ICEIS 2008 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume HCI June 12-16, 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 331-334.
Gimenes, Ricardo, Silva, Daniel Castro, Reis, Luís Paulo, Oliveira, Eugenio (2007): Flight Simulation Environments Applied to Agent-Based Autonomous UAVS. In: Cordeiro, José, Filipe, Joaquim (eds.) ICEIS 2008 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume SAIC June 12-16, 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 243-246.