Author: Frederic Vanderhaegen
Productive Colleagues
Zhang, Zicheng, Polet, Philippe, Vanderhaegen, Frederic, Millot, Patrick (2004): Artificial Neural Network for Violation Analysis.. In Relibility Engineering and System Safety, 84 (1) pp. 3-18.
Polet, Philippe, Vanderhaegen, Frederic, Amalberti, Rene (2003): Modelling Border-line tolerated conditions of use (BTCUs) and associated risks.. In Safety Science, 41 (0) pp. 111-136.
Polet, Philippe, Vanderhaegen, Frederic, Wieringa, Peter A. (2002): Theory of safety related violation of system barriers.. In Cognition, Technology and Work, 4 (3) pp. 171-179.
Vanderhaegen, Frederic (1999): Toward a Model of Unreliability to Study Error Prevention Supports. In Interacting with Computers, 11 (5) pp. 575-595.
Vanderhaegen, Frederic, Crevits, I., Debernard, Serge, Millot, Patrick (1994): Human-Machine Cooperation: Toward an Activity Regulation Assistance for Different Air Traf. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (1) pp. 65-104.