Author: Gabor Karsai


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Ákos Lédeczi
Jonathan Sprinkle
Janos Sztipanovits

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Aniruddha S. Gokhale
Jeff Gray
Janos Sztipanovits


Balasubramanian, Krishnakumar, Gokhale, Aniruddha S., Karsai, Gabor, Sztipanovits, Janos, Neema, Sandeep (2006): Developing Applications Using Model-Driven Design Environments. In IEEE Computer, 39 (2) pp. 33-40.

Sprinkle, Jonathan, Karsai, Gabor (2004): A domain-specific visual language for domain model evolution. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 15 (3) pp. 291-307.

Lédeczi, Ákos, Bakay, Arpad, Maroti, Miklos, Volgyesi, Péter, Nordstrom, Greg, Sprinkle, Jonathan, Karsai, Gabor (2001): Composing Domain-Specific Design Environments. In IEEE Computer, 34 (11) pp. 44-51.

Sztipanovits, Janos, Karsai, Gabor, Bapty, Ted (1998): Self-Adaptive Software for Signal Processing. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (5) pp. 66-73.

Sztipanovits, Janos, Karsai, Gabor (1997): Model-Integrated Computing. In IEEE Computer, 30 (4) pp. 110-111.

Karsai, Gabor (1995): A Configurable Visual Programming Environment: A Tool for Domain-Specific Programming. In IEEE Computer, 28 (3) pp. 36-44.

Franke, Hubertus, Sztipanovits, Janos, Karsai, Gabor (1997): Model-Integrated Programming. In: HICSS 1997 , 1997, . pp. 415-422.

Gray, Jeff, Karsai, Gabor (2003): An Examination of DSLs for Concisely Representing Model Traversals and Transformations. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 325.

Neema, Sandeep, Kalmar, Zsolt, Shi, Feng, Vizhanyo, Attila, Karsai, Gabor (2005): A Visually-Specified Code Generator for Simulink/Stateflow. In: VL-HCC 2005 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 21-24 September, 2005, Dallas, TX, USA. pp. 275-277.

Misra, Amit, Sztipanovits, Janos, Karsai, Gabor, Moore, Michael, Lédeczi, Ákos (1999): Integration of Information Systems in Large-Scale Enterprises Using Model-Integrated Compu. In: ICEIS 1999 , 1999, . pp. 485-492.

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