Author: Gary W. Strong


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 13


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Karen E. O. Strong
Susan Brummel Turnbull
Karl Hebenstreit

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Gary Perlman
Ronald M. Baecker
Stuart K. Card


Strong, Gary W. (1995): New Directions in Human-Computer Interaction Education, Research, and Practice. In Interactions, 2 (1) pp. 69-81.

Strong, Gary W., Strong, Karen F. O'Neill (1991): Visual Guidance for Information Navigation: A Computer-Human Interface Design Principle De. In Interacting with Computers, 3 (2) pp. 217-231.

Strong, Gary W. (1989): Introductory Course in Human-Computer Interaction. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 20 (3) pp. 19-21.

Hewett, Thomas T., Baecker, Ronald M., Card, Stuart K., Carey, Tom, Gasen, Jean G., Mantei, Marilyn, Perlman, Gary, Strong, Gary W., Verplank, William (1997). ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction. Retrieved 2003-08-07 00:00:00 from ACM SIGHCI:

Lipner, Rebecca S., Strong, Gary W., Strong, Karen E. O. (1993): The Relationship Between Task Structure and Choice of Navigational Aid in Human Computer I. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1993, . pp. 522-527.

Strong, Gary W., Turnbull, Susan Brummel, Hebenstreit, Karl (2001): Creating public information environments that strengthen citizen-government relationships:. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) HCI International 2001 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 5-10, 2001, New Orleans, USA. pp. 1107-1111.

Strong, Gary W. (2002): IT Research, Innovation, and E-Government. In: DG.O 2002 , 2002, .

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