Author: Giacinto Matarazzo
Productive Colleagues
Catarci, Tiziana, Matarazzo, Giacinto, Raiss, Gianluigi (2002): Driving usability into the public administration: the Italian experience*1. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57 (2) pp. 121-138.
Matarazzo, Giacinto, Sellen, Abigail (2000): The Value of Video in Work at a Distance: Addition or Distraction?. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 19 (5) pp. 339-348.
Leone, Luigi, Matarazzo, Giacinto (1998): Predicting the Use and Effectiveness of an Office Automation System (OAS): A Case Study. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 17 (6) pp. 361-371.
Catarci, Tiziana, Matarazzo, Giacinto, Raiss, Gianluigi (2000): Usability and Public Administration: Experiences of a Difficult Marriage. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM Conference on Universal Usability , 2000, . pp. 24-31.