Author: Giuseppe Carenini


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 22


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Steven F. Roth
Raymond T. Ng
Johanna D. Moore

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Cristina Conati
Steven F. Roth
Michelle X. Zhou


Amershi, Saleema, Carenini, Giuseppe, Conati, Cristina, Mackworth, Alan K., Poole, David (2008): Pedagogy and usability in interactive algorithm visualizations: Designing and evaluating C. In Interacting with Computers, 20 (1) pp. 64-96.

Green, Nancy L., Carenini, Giuseppe, Kerpedjiev, Stephan, Mattis, Joe, Moore, Johanna D., Roth, Steven F. (2004): AutoBrief: an experimental system for the automatic generation of briefings in integrated . In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61 (1) pp. 32-70.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Smith, Jocelyin, Poole, David (2003): Towards more conversational and collaborative recommender systems. In: Johnson, Lewis, Andre, Elisabeth (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2003 January 12-15, 2003, Miami, Florida, USA. pp. 12-18.

Kerpedjiev, Stephan, Carenini, Giuseppe, Roth, Steven F., Moore, Johanna D. (1997): Integrating Planning and Task-Based Design for Multimedia Presentation. In: Moore, Johanna D., Edmonds, Ernest, Puerta, Angel R. (eds.) International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 1997 January 6-9, 1997, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 145-152.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Moore, Johanna D. (1993): Generating Explanations in Context. In: Gray, Wayne D., Hefley, William, Murray, Dianne (eds.) International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces 1993 January 4-7, 1993, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 175-182.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Ng, Raymond T., Pauls, Adam (2006): Interactive multimedia summaries of evaluative text. In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2006, . pp. 124-131.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Ng, Raymond T., Zhou, Xiaodong (2007): Summarizing email conversations with clue words. In: Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2007, . pp. 91-100.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Rizoli, Lucas (2009): A multimedia interface for facilitating comparisons of opinions. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2009, . pp. 325-334.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Ng, Raymond T., Zwart, Ed (2005): Extracting knowledge from evaluative text. In: Clark, Peter, Schreiber, Guus (eds.) K-CAP 2005 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Capture October 2-5, 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 11-18.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Loyd, John (2004): ValueCharts: analyzing linear models expressing preferences and evaluations. In: Costabile, Maria Francesca (eds.) AVI 2004 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces May 25-28, 2004, Gallipoli, Italy. pp. 150-157.

Bautista, Jeanette, Carenini, Giuseppe (2006): An integrated task-based framework for the design and evaluation of visualizations to supp. In: Celentano, Augusto (eds.) AVI 2006 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces May 23-26, 2006, Venezia, Italy. pp. 217-224.

Bautista, Jeanette, Carenini, Giuseppe (2008): An empirical evaluation of interactive visualizations for preferential choice. In: Levialdi, Stefano (eds.) AVI 2008 - Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces May 28-30, 2008, Napoli, Italy. pp. 207-214.

Kerpedjiev, Stephan M., Carenini, Giuseppe, Green, Nancy L., Moore, Johanna D., Roth, Steven F. (1998): Saying It in Graphics: From Intentions to Visualizations. In: InfoVis 1998 - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 19-20 October, 1998, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. pp. 97-101.

Liu, Shixia, Zhou, Michelle X., Carenini, Giuseppe, Qu, Huamin (2010): Workshop on intelligent visual interfaces for text analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , 2010, . pp. 439-440.

Carenini, Giuseppe, Murray, Gabrial (2012): Methods for mining and summarizing text conversations. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2012, . pp. 1178-1179.

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