Author: Glenn McCord
Productive Colleagues
McCord, Glenn, Plimmer, Beryl, Wuensche, Burkhard (2007): Surface manipulation using a paper sculpture metaphor. In: Proceedings of OZCHI07, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction November 28-30, 2007, Adelaide, Australia. pp. 235-238.
McCord, Glenn, Wünsche, Burkhard, Plimmer, Beryl, Gilbert, Greg, Hirsch, Christian (2008): A Pen and Paper Metaphor for Orchid Modeling. In: Bobbitt, Russell, Connell, Jonathan H., Flickner, Myron, Haas, Norman, Hampapur, Arun, Harris, Dick, Kurtz, Charles, Lloyd, Bill, Otto, Charles, Pankanti, Sharath, Park, Unsang, Payne, Jason (eds.) Retail Vision-Based Self-checkout - Exploring Real Time Real Purpose General Vision System , 2008, . pp. 119-124.