Author: Guido Hertel
Research Foci:
- Managing virtual teams
- Motivation gains in groups
- Electronic Human Resource Management
- Voluntary engagement in Open Source (e.g. Linux) and Open - Content (e.g. Wikipedia) projects
- Work motivation and job satisfaction across the lifespan
- Cooperation in social conflicts (social dilemma)
- Affect and social behavior in organizations
- Priming effects on social behavior
Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 2
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
Hertel, Guido, Niedner, Sven, Herrmann, Stefanie (2003): Motivation of software developers in Open Source projects: an Internet-based survey of con. In Research Policy, 32 (7) pp. 1159-1177.