Hans Dybkjaer

Author: Hans Dybkjaer

After a PhD on category theory, types, logic, and programming, my main carreer has been research and development of spoken dialogue systems. Contributions include work on interactive speech theory, Gricean design and evaluation, and a number of design and annotation tools for spoken dialogue systems.


  • 1991 PhD in Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
  • 1988 MSc in Computer Science, Institute of Datalogy, University of Copenhagen (DIKU)
  • 1984 Minor in mathematics, University of Copenhagen


  • 1997- Software engineer, group leader, Prolog Development Center A/S (PDC)
  • 1991-1997 Assistant and associate research professor in spoken dialogue systems, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University
  • 1988-1991 Scholarship in programming, types and category theory, DIKU
  • 1987-1988 Research programmer in computer vision, DIKU
  • 1983-1986 Tutor at undergraduate courses Dat1, Dat2, Dat0, DIKU
  • 1980-1981 Military service at the air defense

Practical experience


  • Development of Emma®, a spoken dialogue virtual receptionist product.
  • Development of FAQ, a spoken dialogue information system FerieKonto/ATP.
  • Group leader SpeechLogic® (www.pdc.dk/speechlogic).
  • Test and QA in PDC Staff and PDC in general.
  • Design and development of integration components for PDC Staff.
  • Speakerat several seminars.
  • Technical coordinator at FLEX (EU-Esprit 29158), 23 person years, 5 European partners. Multimodal interaction in private home information console (input speech, touch, write, output audio and graphics).
  • Analysis, design, construction, test, maintenance of work hour registration system for PDC.
  • Developer at EU-IBIS project  (planning with unsure/unknown information).

At Center for Cognitive Science

Research and developement: Spoken dialogue systems and HCI. Responsible for the dialogue management (design and development). Systems administrator (Unix). Committees of PhD and employment evaluations. Coordinator of i.a. EU projects Dialogue Annotation and the successful MATE proposal. Programme committee FQAS 1996, invited consultant and speaker at several conferences and organisations, and participation in many conferences/workshops.


Censor in undergraduate and graduate computer science. Working group on The Innovative Human and Social Sciences (VTU, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development). Advisory Board, Institute of Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen Business School. Member of several programme committees. Reviewer of SpeCom. More than 80 publications, including about 40 reviewed or invited in conferences, journals and books, 30 research reports, and a book. Latest LREC 2004 and ADS'04. Numerous design and documentation reports. http://SpokenDialogue.dk.


Publication period start: 1998
Number of co-authors: 2


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Laila Dybkjaer
Niels Ole Bernsen

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Laila Dybkjaer
Niels Ole Bernsen


Dybkjaer, Laila, Bernsen, Niels Ole, Dybkjaer, Hans (1998): A Methodology for Diagnostic Evaluation of Spoken Human -- Machine Dialogue. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 48 (5) pp. 605-625.

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