Author: Helen Maskery
Publication period start: 1992
Number of co-authors: 3
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
- Jon Meads
- Gord Hopkins
- Tim Dudley
- 1
- 1
- 1
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- Gord Hopkins
- Jon Meads
- Tim Dudley
- 1
- 3
- 5
Maskery, Helen, Meads, Jon (1992): Context: In the Eyes of Users and in Computer Systems. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 24 (2) pp. 12-21.
Maskery, Helen, Hopkins, Gord, Dudley, Tim (1992): Context: What Does it Mean to Application Design. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 24 (2) pp. 22-30.