Author: Henk de Poot


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 7


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Henny de Vos
G. Henri ter Hofte
Ruud Janssen

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
G. Henri ter Hofte
Ruud Janssen
Ingrid Mulder


Janssen, Ruud, Poot, Henk de (2006): Information overload: why some people seem to suffer more than others. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2006, . pp. 397-400.

Kort, Joke, Poot, Henk de (2005): Usage analysis: combining logging and qualitative methods. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 2121-2122.

Mulder, Ingrid, Poot, Henk de, Verwij, Carla, Janssen, Ruud, Bijlsma, Marcel (2006): An information overload study: using design methods for understanding. In: Kjeldskov, Jesper, Paay, Jane (eds.) Proceedings of OZCHI06, the CHISIG Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2006, . pp. 245-252.

Vos, Henny de, Hofte, G. Henri ter, Poot, Henk de (2004): IM [@Work] Adoption of Instant Messaging in a Knowledge Worker Organisation. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

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