Author: Howard E. Shrobe


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 15


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Herbert Schorr
Robert S. Engelmore
Stephen Peters

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Randall Davis
Konrad Tollmar
Trevor Darrell


Feigenbaum, Edward A., Friedland, Peter, Johnson, Bruce B., Nii, H. Penny, Schorr, Herbert, Shrobe, Howard E., Engelmore, Robert S. (1994): Knowledge-Based Systems in Japan (Report of the JTEC Panel). In Communications of the ACM, 37 (1) pp. 17-19.

Davis, Randall, Shrobe, Howard E. (1983): Representing Structure and Behavior of Digital Hardware. In IEEE Computer, 16 (10) pp. 75-82.

Look, Gary, Laddaga, Robert, Shrobe, Howard E. (2004): One-Push Sharing: Facilitating Picture Sharing from Camera Phones. In: Brewster, Stephen A., Dunlop, Mark D. (eds.) Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - Mobile HCI 2004 - 6th International Symposium September 13-16, 2004, Glasgow, UK. pp. 466-470.

Koile, Kimberle, Tollmar, Konrad, Demirdjian, David, Shrobe, Howard E., Darrell, Trevor (2003): Activity Zones for Context-Aware Computing. In: Dey, Anind K., Schmidt, Albrecht, McCarthy, Joseph F. (eds.) UbiComp 2003 Ubiquitous Computing - 5th International Conference October 12-15, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA. pp. 90-106.

Kleek, Max Van, Shrobe, Howard E. (2007): A Practical Activity Capture Framework for Personal, Lifetime User Modeling. In: Conati, Cristina, McCoy, Kathleen F., Paliouras, Georgios (eds.) User Modeling 2007 - 11th International Conference - UM 2007 June 25-29, 2007, Corfu, Greece. pp. 298-302.

Peters, Stephen, Shrobe, Howard E. (2003): Using Semantic Networks for Knowledge Representation in an Intelligent Environment. In: PerCom03 - Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications March 23-26, 2003, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. pp. 323-329.

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