Author: I-Han Hsiao
Productive Colleagues
- Michael Yudelson
- Qi Li
- Peter Brusilovsky
- 7
- 13
- 63
Hsiao, I-Han, Sosnovsky, Sergey A., Brusilovsky, Peter (2010): Guiding students to the right questions: adaptive navigation support in an E-Learning syst. In J. Comp. Assisted Learning, 26 (4) pp. 270-283.
Brusilovsky, Peter, Hsiao, I-Han, Yudelson, Michael V. (2008): Annotated program examples as first class objects in an educational digital library. In: JCDL08 Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2008, . pp. 337-340.
Hsiao, I-Han, Li, Qi, Lin, Yi-Ling (2008): Educational social linking in example authoring. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2008, . pp. 229-230.
Hsiao, I-Han, Brusilovsky, Peter, Yudelson, Michael, Ortigosa, Alvaro (2010): The value of adaptive link annotation in e-learning: a study of a portal-based approach. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2010, . pp. 223-228.
Hsiao, I-Han, Bakalov, Fedor, Brusilovsky, Peter, Konig-Ries, Birgitta (2011): Open Social Student Modeling: Visualizing Student Models with Parallel IntrospectiveViews. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization , 2011, . pp. 171-182.
Hsiao, I-Han, Guerra, Julio, Parra, Denis, Bakalov, Fedor, Konig-Ries, Birgitta, Brusilovsky, Peter (2012): Comparative social visualization for personalized e-learning. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces , 2012, . pp. 303-307.