Jacek Gwizdka

Author: Jacek Gwizdka


Jacek is Assistant Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University.

Main research interests:

  • Human-computer interaction (HCI)
  • Personalization and individual differences in HCI: in particular, differences in cognitive abilities
  • Information Navigation: information seeking on the Web and its measurement (web analytics)
  • Personal Information Management(PIM): information re-use, information organization for future action
  • Information Organization, Metadata for people: light-weight interaction for adding metadata
  • Computer Mediated Communication(CMC) email tools & practices;


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 20


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Chang Liu
Michael J. Cole
Nicholas J. Belkin

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Andreas Paepcke
Nicholas J. Belkin
Steve Whittaker


Gwizdka, Jacek, Spence, Ian (2007): Implicit measures of lostness and success in web navigation. In Interacting with Computers, 19 (3) pp. 357-369. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2007.01.001

Whittaker, Steve, Bellotti, Victoria, Gwizdka, Jacek (2006): Email in personal information management. In Communications of the ACM, 49 (1) pp. 68-73. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1107458.1107494

Gwizdka, Jacek, Chignell, Mark (2004): Individual differences and task-based user interface evaluation: a case study of pending t. In Interacting with Computers, 16 (4) pp. 769-797. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2004.04.008

Kuchinsky, Allan, Pering, Celine, Creech, Michael L., Freeze, Dennis, Serra, Bill, Gwizdka, Jacek (1999): FotoFile: A Consumer Multimedia Organization and Retrieval System. In: Altom, Mark W., Williams, Marian G. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 99 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference May 15-20, 1999, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 496-503. https://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/302979/p496-kuchinsky/p496-kuchinsky.pdf

Gwizdka, Jacek, Spence, Ian (2005): Indirect assessment of web navigation success. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2005, . pp. 1427-1430. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1056808.1056933

Cole, Michael J., Gwizdka, Jacek (2008): Tagging semantics: investigations with WordNet. In: JCDL08 Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2008, . pp. 446. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1378889.1378991

Gwizdka, Jacek, Bakelaar, Philip (2009): Tag trails: navigation with context and history. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 4579-4584. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1520340.1520703

Baldonado, Michelle Q. Wang, Cousins, Steve B., Gwizdka, Jacek, Paepcke, Andreas (2000): Notable: At the Intersection of Annotations and Handheld Technology. In: Thomas, Peter J., Gellersen, Hans-Werner (eds.) Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing - Second International Symposium - HUC 2000 September 25-27, 2000, Bristol, UK. pp. 100-113. https://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/1927/19270100.htm

Gwizdka, Jacek, Spence, Ian (2005): Predicting outcomes of web navigation. In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2005, . pp. 892-893. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1062745.1062784

Liu, Jingjing, Cole, Michael J., Liu, Chang, Bierig, Ralf, Gwizdka, Jacek, Belkin, Nicholas J., Zhang, Jun, Zhang, Xiangmin (2010): Search behaviors in different task types. In: JCDL10 Proceedings of the 2010 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2010, . pp. 69-78. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1816123.1816134

Gwizdka, Jacek (2010): Of kings, traffic signs and flowers: exploring navigation of tagged documents. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia , 2010, . pp. 167-172. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1810617.1810646

Liu, Jingjing, Liu, Chang, Gwizdka, Jacek, Belkin, Nicholas J. (2010): Can search systems detect users' task difficulty?: some behavioral signals. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2010, . pp. 845-846. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1835449.1835645

Bierig, Ralf, Cole, Michael J., Gwizdka, Jacek, Belkin, Nicholas J. (2010): A Data Analysis and Modelling Framework for the Evaluation of Interactive Information Retr. In: Gurrin, Cathal, He, Yulan, Kazai, Gabriella, Kruschwitz, Udo, Little, Suzanne, Roelleke, Thomas, Rüger, Stefan M., Rijsbergen, Keith van (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 32nd European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2010 March 28-31, 2010, Milton Keynes, UK. pp. 673-674. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12275-0_76

Cole, Michael J., Gwizdka, Jacek, Bierig, Ralf, Belkin, Nicholas J., Liu, Jingjing, Liu, Chang, Zhang, Xiangmin (2010): Linking search tasks with low-level eye movement patterns. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics , 2010, . pp. 109-116. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1962300.1962323

Gwizdka, Jacek (2010): Using Stroop task to assess cognitive load. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics , 2010, . pp. 219-222. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1962300.1962345

Cole, Michael J., Zhang, Xiangmin, Liu, Chang, Belkin, Nicholas J., Gwizdka, Jacek (2011): Knowledge effects on document selection in search results pages. In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2011, . pp. 1219-1220. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2009916.2010128

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