Author: Jade Goldstein
Productive Colleagues
Goldstein, Jade, Roth, Steven F. (1994): Using Aggregation and Dynamic Queries for Exploring Large Data Sets. In: Adelson, Beth, Dumais, Susan, Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 94 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 24-28, 1994, Boston, Massachusetts. pp. 23-29.
Goldstein, Jade, Roth, Steven F., Kolojejchick, John, Mattis, Joe (1994): A Framework for Knowledge-based Interactive Data Exploration. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 5 (4) pp. 339-363.
Carbonell, Jaime, Goldstein, Jade (1998): The Use of MMR, Diversity-Based Reranking for Reordering Documents and Producing Summaries. In: Proceedings of the 21st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1998, . pp. 335-336.
Goldstein, Jade, Kantrowitz, Mark, Mittal, Vibhu O., Carbonell, Jaime (1999): Summarizing Text Documents: Sentence Selection and Evaluation Metrics. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 1999, . pp. 121-128.
Goldstein, Jade, Mittal, Vibhu O., Carbonell, Jaime G., Callan, James P. (2000): Creating and Evaluating Multi-Document Sentence Extract Summaries. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 6-11, 2000, McLean, VA, USA. pp. 165-172.
Goldstein, Jade, Ciany, Gary M., Carbonell, Jaime G. (2007): Genre identification and goal-focused summarization. In: Silva, Mario J., Laender, Alberto H. F., Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A., McGuinness, Deborah L., Olstad, Bjørn, Olsen, Øystein Haug, Falcão, André O. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2007 November 6-10, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 889-892.
Goldstein, Jade, Sabin, Roberta Evans (2006): Using Speech Acts to Categorize Email and Identify Email Genres. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.