Author: Jared Braiterman
A Stanford and Harvard Anthropologist (PhD, 1996), Jared Braiterman leverages customer insight for product innovation and business strategy.
From Silicon Valley start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, Jared Braiterman hashelped senior executives, product groups, designers and engineers buildnew interactive products.
In 2005 Jared Braiterman launched a multi-year Mobile China research project examining mobile technology and youth trends in the world's largest market.
Jared Braiterman is also frequently invited to speak at industry conferences anduniversities about the intersection of behavioral science andtechnology. Jared Braiterman has global research experience, and languages includeChinese, Japanese, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Productive Colleagues
Braiterman, Jared, Verhage, Sasha, Choo, Randall (2000): Business: designing with users in Internet time. In Interactions, 7 (5) pp. 23-27.