Author: Jean-Claude Latombe
Productive Colleagues
Brown, Joel, Latombe, Jean-Claude, Montgomery, Kevin (2004): Real-time knot-tying simulation. In The Visual Computer, 20 (2) pp. 165-179.
Latombe, Jean-Claude (2006): Probabilistic Roadmaps: A Motion Planning Approach Based on Active Learning. In: Yao, Yiyu, Shi, Zhongzhi, Wang, Yingxu, Kinsner, Witold (eds.) Proceedings of the Firth IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2006 July 17-19, 2006, Beijing, China. pp. 1-2.
Wang, Yingxu, Zhang, Du, Latombe, Jean-Claude, Kinsner, Witold (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics - ICCI 2008 August 14-16, 2008, California, USA.
Latombe, Jean-Claude (2008): Probabilistic roadmaps: An incremental sampling approach to approximate the connectivity o. In: Wang, Yingxu, Zhang, Du, Latombe, Jean-Claude, Kinsner, Witold (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics - ICCI 2008 August 14-16, 2008, California, USA. pp. 2.