Author: Jean-Pierre Martens
Productive Colleagues
Lesaffre, Micheline, Voogdt, Liesbeth De, Leman, Marc, Baets, Bernard De, Meyer, Hans De, Martens, Jean-Pierre (2008): How potential users of music search and retrieval systems describe the semantic quality of. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59 (5) pp. 695-707.
Varewyck, Matthias, Pauwels, Johan, Martens, Jean-Pierre (2008): A novel chroma representation of polyphonic music based on multiple pitch tracking techniq. In: El-Saddik, Abdulmotaleb, Vuong, Son, Griwodz, Carsten, Bimbo, Alberto Del, Candan, K. Selcuk, Jaimes, Alejandro (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimedia 2008 October 26-31, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pp. 667-670.