Author: Jesus Cardenosa

From 1980 to 1985, Technical Director of a Company in Civil Engineering in the Energy field and simultaneously Assistant Professor in the Applied Mathematics in the Computer Science School of UPM. Technical advisor of AEG-Telefunken for autonomous electrification matters (1983-1985). Advisor of Ministry of Industry of Spain to elaborate Technical Standars in Energy saving in airports and in electrical systems. Project Leader of the PIVOT project sponsored by NEC about Multilingual Generation by Interlingua (1988-1992). Project Leader in eight Expert Systems in different fields (banking, industry,...)(1988-1999) Director of the Master on Knowledge Engineering of the UPM (1988-1992) and Director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the UPM (1988-1994). Project Leader of two Esprit II Projects [VALID (1989-1991) ; ACKNOWLEDGE ( 1989-1991)] and one Esprit III Project [ORCHESTRA (1994-1996)] Project Leader of  three research projects from the Spanish Council for R&D (1990-1998), and Project Leader of a Project  PASO ESPRIT PC-315 about Data Bases Interfaces in Natural Language(1994-1995). Evaluator of R&D projects in several fields of Information Technology matters for the Spanish Ministry of Industry of Spain and Commission of the European Union. (1989-1997). Coordinator of an ALFA Project of the European Union with European and Latin-american Countries (1997-1998). Director of the "FLEX" (29158) Esprit IV project (1999-2001) His current work is focused to the definition of quality procedures, definition of standars, particularly in the field of industrial applications and Validation of Intelligent systems. Other fields are Natural Language and Multilinguism on Internet. Since 1997 is the Director of the Spanish Language Group in the UNL Programme. Since 2004 is the director of the Spanish Language Center of the UNL Programme of the United Nations and since 2004 is promoting and coordinating the "UNL Consortiulm" for the implantation in the market of the UNL System. Coordinating the rest of Language Centers


Publication period start: 1995
Number of co-authors: 3


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Pedro Antunes
Nuno M. Guimaraes
Javier Segovia

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Javier Segovia
Nuno M. Guimaraes
Pedro Antunes


Antunes, Pedro, Guimaraes, Nuno M., Segovia, Javier, Cardenosa, Jesus (1995): Beyond Formal Processes: Augmenting Workflow with Group Interaction Techniques. In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Organizational Computing Systems 1995 August 13-16, 1995, Milpitas, California, USA. pp. 1-9.

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