Author: Jihwan Kim
Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 4
Number of
publications with favourite co-authors
- Jinju Yu
- Sangsup Yoon
- Sangki Han
- 1
- 1
- 1
Productive Colleagues
Most productive
colleagues in number of publications
- Jinju Yu
- Sangsup Yoon
- Sangki Han
- 1
- 1
- 1
Kim, Jihwan, Kim, Seyong, Yu, Jinju, Yoon, Sangsup, Han, Sangki (2011): Mourning tree: space interaction design for the commemoration ceremony. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 2197-2202.