Author: John D. Wells


Publication period start: 2003
Number of co-authors: 8


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Joseph S. Valacich
Andrew Urbaczewski
Suprateek Sarker

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Saonee Sarker
Suprateek Sarker
Joseph S. Valacich


Sarker, Suprateek, Wells, John D. (2003): Understanding mobile handheld device use and adoption. In Communications of the ACM, 46 (12) pp. 35-40.

Featherman, Mauricio, Wells, John D. (2004): The Intangibility of E-Services: Effects on Artificiality, Perceived Risk, and Adoption. In: HICSS 2004 , 2004, .

Hess, Traci J., Wells, John D. (2002): Understanding How Metadata and Explanations Can Better Support Data Warehousing and Relate. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 223.

Sarker, Suprateek, Urbaczewski, Andrew, Wells, John D. (2003): Understanding Hybrid Wireless Device Use and Adoption: An Integrative Framework Based on a. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 46.

Urbaczewski, Andrew, Wells, John D., Sarker, Suprateek, Koivisto, Matti (2002): Cultural Differences in Creating the Global Mobile Internet: A Theoretical Basis and Progr. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 46.

Wells, John D., Fuerst, William L. (2000): Domain-Oriented Interface Metaphors: Designing Web Interfaces for Effective Customer Inter. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .

Wells, John D., Sarker, Saonee, Urbaczewski, Andrew, Sarker, Suprateek (2003): Studying Customer Evaluations of Electronic Commerce Applications: A Review and Adaptation. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 192.

Valacich, Joseph S., Wells, John D. (2007): Minitrack Introduction: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Minitrack. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 25.

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