Author: John L. Bruno
Productive Colleagues
Karaorman, Murat, Bruno, John L. (1993): Introducing Concurrency to a Sequential Language. In Communications of the ACM, 36 (9) pp. 103-116.
Bruno, John L., Jr., Edward G. Coffman, Sethi, Ravi (1974): Scheduling Independent Tasks to Reduce Mean Finishing Time. In Communications of the ACM, 17 (7) pp. 382-387.
Bruno, John L., Gabber, Eran, Özden, Banu, Silberschatz, Abraham (1997): Move-to-Rear List Scheduling: A New Scheduling Algorithm for Providing QoS Guarantees. In: ACM Multimedia 1997 , 1997, . pp. 63-73.