John R. Josephson

Author: John R. Josephson


John R. Josephson is a Research Scientist in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the Ohio State University and the President of Action Technologies LLC in Columbus, Ohio. He also acts as the Associate Director of the Laboratory for AI Research (LAIR) at Ohio State. Dr. Josephson has more than 25 years of experience in conducting research in artificial intelligence, knowledge systems, automated reasoning, information fusion, and multicriterial decision making. He is author or co-author of most of the chapters of Abductive Inference: Computation, Philosophy, Technology, Cambridge University Press, 1996, and author or co-author of more than 75 refereed journal articles, book chapters, and papers in refereed conferences. He also holds three patents related to multiple criteria decision making.


Publication period start: 1987
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Robert Winkler
Tom Bylander
B. Chandrasekaran

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Tom Bylander
Bonny Banerjee
B. Chandrasekaran


Chandrasekaran, B., Kurup, Unmesh, Banerjee, Bonny, Josephson, John R., Winkler, Robert (2004): An Architecture for Problem Solving with Diagrams. In: Blackwell, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Shimojima, Atsushi (eds.) Diagrams 2004 - Diagrammatic Representation and Inference - Third International Conference March 22-24, 2004, Cambridge, UK. pp. 151-165.

Bylander, Tom, Chandrasekaran, B., Josephson, John R. (1987): The Generic Task Toolset. In: Salvendy, Gavriel (eds.) HCI International 1987 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Volume 2 August 10-14, 1987, Honolulu, Hawaii. pp. 507-514.

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