Author: John Sherry
Productive Colleagues
Sherry, John (1995): Cooperation and Power. In: Marmolin, Hans, Sundblad, Yngve, Schmidt, Kjeld (eds.) ECSCW 95 - Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 11-15 September, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 67-82.
Sherry, John, Mainwaring, Scott D., Burrell, Jenna, Beckwith, Richard, Salvador, Tony (2004): \'This All Together, Hon?\' Ubicomp in Non-office Work Environments. In: Davies, Nigel, Mynatt, Elizabeth D., Siio, Itiro (eds.) UbiComp 2004 Ubiquitous Computing 6th International Conference September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, UK. pp. 179-195.