Author: John W. Hamblen
Productive Colleagues
Magel, Kenneth I., Austing, Richard H., Berztiss, Alfs T., Engel, Gerald L., Hamblen, John W., Hoffmann, A. A. J., Mathis, Robert F. (1981): Recommendations for Master\'s Level Programs in Computer Science. In Communications of the ACM, 24 (3) pp. 115-123.
Hamblen, John W. (1971): Using Computers in Higher Education: Past Recommendations, Status, and Needs. In Communications of the ACM, 14 (11) pp. 709-712.
Atchison, William F., Conte, Samuel D., Hamblen, John W., Hull, Thomas E., Keenan, Thomas A., Kehl, William B., McCluskey, Edward J., Navarro, Silvio O., Rheinboldt, Werner C., Schweppe, Earl J., Viavant, William, Young, David M. (1968): Curriculum 68: Recommendations for academic programs in computer science: a report of the . In Communications of the ACM, 11 (3) pp. 151-197.
Hamblen, John W. (1968): Education: Expenditures, sources of funds, and utilization of digital computers for resear. In Communications of the ACM, 11 (4) pp. 257-262.
Conte, Samuel D., Hamblen, John W., Kehl, William B., Navarro, Silvio O., Rheinboldt, Werner C., Young, David M., Atchison, William F. (1965): An undergraduate program in computer science - preliminary recommendations. In Communications of the ACM, 8 (9) pp. 543-552.
Atchison, William F., Hamblen, John W. (1964): Status of computer sciences curricula in colleges and universities. In Communications of the ACM, 7 (4) pp. 225-227.
Hamblen, John W. (1959): Statistical Programs for the IBM 650 (Part I). In Communications of the ACM, 2 (8) pp. 13-18.
Hamblen, John W. (1959): Statistical Programs for the IBM 650 (Part II). In Communications of the ACM, 2 (10) pp. 32-37.