Author: Juan-Diego Zapata-Rivera


Diego Zapata-Rivera is a research scientist in the Research & Development Division at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science (with a focus on artificial intelligence in education) from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. His current research interests include the design, development, and evaluation of innovative, assessment-based learning environments, Evidence-Centered Design (ECD), Bayesian student modeling, external representations, visualization, and the use of open student models as communication tools and as mechanisms to gather and share assessment information with students, teachers, and parents. Dr. Zapata-Rivera has produced over 50 publications including journal articles, book chapters, and technical papers. He has also served as a reviewer for several international conferences and journals including the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), and User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). He has been a committee member and organizer of international conferences and workshops in his research area.


Publication period start: 2001
Number of co-authors: 1


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Jim Greer

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jim Greer


Zapata-Rivera, Juan-Diego, Greer, Jim (2004): Inspectable Bayesian student modelling servers in multi-agent tutoring systems. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61 (4) pp. 535-563.

Zapata-Rivera, Juan-Diego (2001): Supporting Negotiated Assessment Using Open Student Models. In: Bauer, Mathias, Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr J., Vassileva, Julita (eds.) User Modeling 2001 - 8th International Conference - UM 2001 July 13-17, 2001, Sonthofen, Germany. pp. 295-297.

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