Author: Kirsten R. Butcher


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 12


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Tamara Sumner
Sarah Davies
Ashley Crockett

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Sarah Davies
Walter Kintsch
Tamara Sumner


Butcher, Kirsten R., Sumner, Tamara (2011): Self-Directed Learning and the Sensemaking Paradox. In Human Computer Interaction, 26 (1) pp. 123-159.

Butcher, Kirsten R., Bhushan, Sonal (2005): Using strand maps to engage digital library users with science content. In: JCDL05: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2005, . pp. 371.

Butcher, Kirsten R., Kintsch, Walter (2004): Learning with Diagrams: Effects on Inferences and the Integration of Information. In: Blackwell, Alan, Marriott, Kim, Shimojima, Atsushi (eds.) Diagrams 2004 - Diagrammatic Representation and Inference - Third International Conference March 22-24, 2004, Cambridge, UK. pp. 337-340.

Chica, Sebastian de la, Ahmad, Faisal, Gu, Qianyi, Okoye, Ifi, Maull, Keith, Sumner, Tamara, Butcher, Kirsten R. (2009): A personalized learning environment. In: JCDL09 Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2009, . pp. 369-370.

Butcher, Kirsten R., Davies, Sarah, Crockett, Ashley, Dewald, Aaron, Zheng, Robert (2011): Do graphical search interfaces support effective search for and evaluation of digital libr. In: JCDL11 Proceedings of the 2010 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2011, . pp. 315-324.

Butcher, Kirsten R., Crockett, Ashley, Davies, Sarah (2011): Representing educational content in digital library resources. In: JCDL11 Proceedings of the 2010 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2011, . pp. 439-440.

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