Author: Kritina L. Holden
Productive Colleagues
Holden, Kritina L., Muratore, Debra, Rudisill, Marianne (1991): The Evaluation of Cursor Control Devices for Space Station Freedom. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 23 (4) pp. 66-67.
Kaiser, Mary K., Allen, Christopher S., Barshi, Immanuel, Billman, Dorrit, Holden, Kritina L. (2010): Human Factors Research for Space Exploration: Measurement, Modeling, and Mitigation. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 136-139.
S´ndor, Anikó, Holden, Kritina L., Pace, John W., Martin, Lockheed (2011): Cursor Control Device Test Battery. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 1823-1826.
Holden, Kritina L., Sandor, Aniko, Marks, Allison, Meingast, Melissa (2011): Human Factors Practitioners: Police or Partners? The Challenges of Legislating Usability. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 2103-2104.