Liese Zahabi

Author: Liese Zahabi

Liese Zahabi is a graphic/interaction designer and Assistant Professor of Visual Communication at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. She received her Master of Graphic Design from North Carolina State University, and her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Eastern Michigan University. She has been working as a designer for thirteen years.

Liese’s academic research focuses on search as a cognitive and cultural process and artifact, and how the design of metaphoric interfaces can change the experience of search tasks. Her creative design work is also metaphorical, and explores how the nature of search manifests itself in visual patterns and sense-making, and how language and image intersect within the context of the Internet.

Liese has been conducting academic research about online search for over four years, including designing speculative interfaces, conducting user testing studies, and writing about this topic. She recently presented this work at the Human-Computer Interaction International conference in Las Vegas in July 2013, and has also published a chapter in an edited volume regarding this topic: “Visualizing Information-Triage: a speculative and metaphoric interface for making sense of online searching,” M. Huang and W. Huang, editors, Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics, IGI Global, July 2013.


Zahabi, Liese (2014): Introduction. In: "The Design of Search: the evolution of online search and digital curation" The Interaction Design Foundation .

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