Author: Lionel Dominjon
Productive Colleagues
Dominjon, Lionel, Perret, Jérôme, Lecuyer, Anatole (2007): Novel devices and interaction techniques for human-scale haptics. In The Visual Computer, 23 (4) pp. 257-266.
Shirai, Akihiko, Dominjon, Lionel, Takahashi, Masafumi (2005): RoboGamer: development of robotic tv game player using haptic interface and GPU image reco. In: Lee, Newton (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2005 June 15-15, 2005, Valencia, Spain. pp. 5.
Shirai, Akihiko, Dominjon, Lionel, Takahashi, Masafumi (2005): RoboGamer: a robotic tv game player. In: Lee, Newton (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE 2005 June 15-15, 2005, Valencia, Spain. pp. 4.
Dominjon, Lionel, Lecuyer, Anatole, Burkhardt, Jean-Marie, Andrade-Barroso, Guillermo, Richir, Simon (2005): The \"Bubble\" Technique: Interacting with Large Virtual Environments Using Haptic Devices. In: WHC 2005 - World Haptics Conference 18-20 March, 2005, Pisa, Italy. pp. 639-640.